What are pier caps?

Pier caps are the stones typically placed on top of piers, or gate pillars. They can be used either as a cap on their own, or as the base for a ball finial, outdoor light, or other feature to stand on. Their main use is to provide protection for your pier from weather damage, as well adding a welcome addition to the general aesthetic of your pier or gate pillar.

What are pier caps for?

Pier caps have two main functions. One is to protect the pier or pillar of a wall from the effects of weathering, the other is to add decoration and value to your property by enhancing the aesthetic

How can pier caps benefit me?

Pier caps afford your property a variety of benefits. First and foremost, they can effectively protect your piers or gate pillars from the effects of weathering, preserving the appearance, aesthetic, and ambience of your outdoor space. They also act as an additional decorative feature on their own, not only preserving the aesthetic but enhancing it with their own distinct feel. And of course, they may even end up adding value to your property by increasing its kerbside appeal.

What styles of pier cap are available here at Bridge Street Stone?

You can take your pick from a number of pier caps for your own space here at Bridge Street Stone. Our range includes:

Riven Indian sandstone - Riven sandstone provides a surface that’s slightly rougher to the touch, making it a great option for creating a raw, traditional or rural appearance.

Sawn Indian sandstone - Sawn Indian sandstone has been machined until it’s an almost perfectly smooth surface, which lends itself well to more polished or contemporary environments

Raj Green Indian Sandstone - Raj Green Indian sandstone is a popular choice for gardens and other outdoor spaces, with its subtle blend of greens and earthy brown hues. They strike a beautiful balance between other more vibrant or muted shades of other types of Indian sandstone, making them a versatile option when you’re looking to add some character to a space.

Golden Leaf Indian Sandstone - one of the most popular types of Indian sandstone, Golden Leaf is a perfect choice for outdoor environments and driveways, as it reflects sunlight to brighten up a space and make it feel more cheerful and colourful. The effect is beautiful, especially in the summertime!