
Inspiration for making the most of your garden in Summer 2021

It’s fair to say we all spent a lot of time in our gardens in 2020, so it was just as well that it was such a lovely sunny start to the Spring! While it definitely wasn’t an ideal scenario, one of the few upsides of the successive lockdowns is that spending more time at home has given many of us a new appreciation for our own space, and what can be done to make it even more comfortable, relaxing, or entertaining.

With our wide range of Indian paving slabs here at Bridge Street Stone, we’re always brimming with fresh new ideas about how you can improve your outdoor space, and some cool ways to enjoy it once it’s complete! Here are some of our favourite ideas for summer 2021…

Indulge in al fresco dining

For most of the year, our weather is shall we say somewhat temperate here in the UK, so it’s probably no surprise that so many of us jump at the chance to eat outdoors when the weather starts to heat up. It’s easy to see the appeal of eating outdoors, as it combines so many simple pleasures - the appreciation for good food, good company, and being surrounded by a beautiful natural environment in all its vibrant glory.

And of course, with the last of the restrictions not quite yet fully lifted, right now it also provides a valuable opportunity to catch up with friends and family in a relatively safe, stress-free environment.

When the weather clouds over (as it’s unfortunately sometimes prone to do, even in summer), that doesn’t need to spell the end for proceedings. You can cosy things up with strategically placed blankets, throws and cushions, to give the place a wonderfully snug feel.

If you’ve got a particular passion for open-air dining, you could even take things a step further with more permanent installations, such as pizza ovens, built-in barbecues, or even a sunken fire pit to really make a mark on your patio design! That allows you to be even more ambitious with your culinary forays, giving you the opportunity to enjoy ever more delicious and complex meals out in your garden.


Create a unique working environment

Working from home has now become standard for countless people across the UK, and that’s a trend that looks like it’s here to stay, regardless of when the pandemic ends. So why not, as they say, make hay while the sun shines? Humans are daylight creatures, so we’re naturally energised by direct sunlight, and it’s been proven to help spark our productivity and creativity too.

Your outdoor office doesn’t need to be anything especially complex. If you’ve already got patio furniture, it may be just a case of making sure that you’re able to sit in a sufficiently shaded spot, so that you can see your screen. (If not of course, you can always simply use an umbrella or parasol. Don’t hesitate to choose your favourite furniture, and make liberal use of any particularly comfy blankets or cushions. After all, you’re probably going to be sat down there for hours at a time.

Just make sure to be extra careful with any trailing wires, or anything else you might need to do your job properly. The last thing you need is any of your children, pets, or your significant other snagging their foot on it and having everything go flying (including the family member in question).

A space to sit back, relax, and let worries float away

For a long time now, we’ve all been subject to an exceptional number of daily stresses, in addition to all the standard worries that home and work life can bring. So it’s more important than ever to make time to relax, giving yourself a moment away from it all. That’s where your garden can help, by providing the perfect escape.

Nature has an intrinsically calming effect on us, so having a place to sit quietly can help us mentally slow down, free our mind from the worst daily stresses, and connect with our surroundings. You can find a quiet part of your garden to designate as this peaceful spot, and outfit it with whatever you think will make it more comfortable.

Perhaps it’s a stone bench, or a simple wooden patio chair. If you’ve got the space and the budget, you can go even bigger with a pergola, gazebo or arbour - ideal if you want to spend your quiet time with a much-loved companion or family member. Another great idea (again, if you’ve got the budget for it) is to enhance the space with a water feature. The gentle trickling of nearby water can do wonders for helping us let go of our fears and worries, bringing us closer to nature so we can properly relax.

These are just a few of our ideas, of course - you may well be dreaming up plenty of your own! Whatever you decide though, you can always count on us right here at Bridge Street Stone to have a fantastic range of Indian sandstone to choose from, so you’ve got no shortage of choice in terms of achieving your vision. Golden Leaf is a particular favourite for buyers who want to emphasise that relaxing summer feel, but there are plenty of other choices besides!

All are sourced directly from India, and we’re able to offer free delivery to most areas. To make an order, feel free to give us a call today on 01282 860571.